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How to create a free profitable Blog/Website

Create your profitable blog online for free. You can learn steps by steps guide on blogger tips.
Raj Sharma
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In this article by following my instructions you are going to learn steps by steps on

"How to  Create a free profitable Blog/Websites"

Note: A person should have

1. A Passion

2. Some Basic Browsing Knowledge and

3. Typing Knowledge

Now, Creating your own profitable Blog is fun and easy with just a cup of coffee.

Here's the Steps to Start your own Blog/Website

Steps 1: Planing your beautiful blog/website name.
                  Example: Mystore, Learning site, personal Site, etc 

Steps 2: Purchase your own beautiful Domain name like www.yourblogname.com from www.goddady.com (Optional But Highly Recommended for fast Adsense earning approval)

Steps 3: Go to Blogger.com then click on create a new Blog (See picture)

Steps 4: Enter Your Gmail Address and Password then Click on Sign in. (See Picture)
Step 5: Choose your Profile name to be display on your blog, choose Either Google Plus or Blogger Profile( I have chosen Blogger Profile). See Picture.
Steps 6: Now Click on Create a new blog (See Picture)
 Steps 7: Enter Your Beautiful Blog Name Title and Address.

 Example: yourblogname.blogspot.com (See Picture)

Then choose your desired Template (see finger 2)

After that Click on Create Blog Finish (see finger 3)

Steps 8: Asking to Purchase Domain Name? Just Skip it.  

Steps 9: Now Create your new post and and start sharing your passion to the World. (See Picture)

Watch Here the Full Tutorials

Learn Also:  "How to Add your own domains Name to blogger blog"

Thank you for following my instructions, Hope I have done my best to help you. 

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